
I Punched A Couple Of Holes In My Ears (8.8.10)

Heidi's phone mysteriously EXPLODED (not really, just cracked) so we went to the Sprint store to get her a new one. It took over 2 hours for them to figure out how to get the contacts off her phone and for her to get a new one. (Of course, she had to say VERY LOUDLY, "Maybe I should just get an IPHONE" before anyone would help her." Pathetic, I know.)

While we were waiting, I got a phone call. David managed to lock himself out. So I invited him over to the Sprint store/ Westfield Mall to chill with us. And when did he get there? The second after I got the second earring through my left ear. That's right. I got two more holes in my ear! Wooooo!

My ears are doing wonderfully, thank you for asking. A little sore, but wouldn't you be sore if you had sharp things jabbed in you?

David came back with us and Heidi cooked a great Moroccan dish with couscous, chicken (that I found at the asian market), potatoes, zucchini, and a dash of FUNK. (Sorry, that's a different meal.)

And we watched True Blood.


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